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  • Batch of cupcakes

  • White Frosting

  • Pre-Colored Black Decorator Icing

  • Toothpicks

  • Toy Spiders (optional)


Use a knife or spatula to frost a smooth flat top on the cupcakes with white icing (you could use colored frosting, too).  Using the black icing, pipe a center dot and then 3-4 rings around the top of the cupcake – like a bullseye.
















Use a toothpick to drag the black icing from the center dot out to the edge.  Repeat the dragging motion in equal segments around the cupcake – about 6-8 segments – kind of like slicing a pie.  Top with a toy spider and voilà!


Andrea Pinilla 10A

Spiderweb cupcakes!

Have you ever forgotten to plan your Halloween costume until it is to late to buy or borrow one? Sometimes we leave our Halloween costume for the last minute and on the big day we don’t even know how to dress up for this special occasion, and we end up wearing normal clothes. Here are five easy last minute costumes that you can make with things you have at home that will save you all from that trouble and will make you look great.


1. Baby











For this costume you need an onesie pijama and a binkie (optional). This baby outfit is very simple, you need to wear your onesie pijama and to comb your hair in two unsimetrical hair-ties. If you want to complemet the costume, you can use a teddy bear or any kind of stuffed animal and a binkie. You will look cute and lovely with this costume, it’s perfect to trick or treat on a cold october night.


2. Baseball player











In this easy costume you need to wear a baseball tee, leggings, baseball socks and any kind of tennis shoes you have at home. For your hair just do a pony tail or a braid. To complement your outfit painting your face with strait lines in your cheekbones or using a mitt is a great idea. This look is perfect for being comfortable on Halloween night.


3. Nerd












For this fun costume you need to wear a collared shirt, suspenders, a pair of pants (preferably high waisted pants), glasses and converse. You can get as creative as you want with the colors of the clothes. If you don’t wear glasses, take the lenses of a pair of 3D glasses or sun glasses and that’s it, you have an easy as pie nerd costume!


4. Thief












A thief costume is not difficult at all. You just need black leggins, gloves, a beanie, and a striped shirt. To complete your look, you can make a mask cutting an old black shirt or with some piece of fabric. In addition, you can take a white bag and draw or print a dollar simbol to represent the money you stole.



5. Hippie












For this last minute costume you just need flared pants or a maxi skirt with any color or design, a flowy crop top or shirt and round sunglasses. Hint: if you don’t have a flower headband or a flower crown to decorate your hair, you take artificial flowers and to use them in your hair with bobby pins. Straighten your hair and you are done with this hippie outfit.


This last minute costumes can really help you out if you have no idea of what to wear on Halloween. Hope that these ideas are useful and can be a solution for a Halloween problem.


Gabriela Alvarado 10B

Last Minute Costume Ideas


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